Song of the Mysteries - Release Date and Free Excerpt

Do we know if the ebook will be available on kobo? I’ve been struggling a lot lately with things only being available on kindle.

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Here is the Kobo preorder link!

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Legend! I will get on that on pay day. Woo hoo!

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Realised this morning that pre orders do not take payment until release day so got it ordered. Pretty certain I will be taking that day off work.

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News from Twitter!


How exciting! It makes it more of a reality!


Got my preorder done on amazon yay. Any idea if Janny will do a complete book set? I would love to buy a complete set.


Good news, I see that we can preorder the kindle version from Amazon now - when I checked only a few days ago only the hardcover & audiobook could be preordered.


That’s great news! The Kindle link mysteriously vanished and Janny has been working with the publisher to figure out why.

EDIT: Someone else reports that this has finally appeared on Amazon AU as well!

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I’m seeing the link for Song of the Mysteries in the Kindle app.
My digital preorder is with Google Play Books and is still active.
(Hardcover preordered from US)

I just received a Kindle notification about the release of SOTM.

I’ll probably spend my Memorial Day weekend reading. I plan to enjoy the book slowly.


I pre ordered my Kindle version and plan to use the book as an adjunct in my post oral surgery care plan!

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The series roadmap is now updated with Song of the Mysteries:


May this series roadmap be presented/attributed as directly from Janny Wurts?
Also, may it be posted publicly, unaltered, on a library bulletin board?

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This is absolutely created by and attributed to Janny. For an online posting, direct linking would be better. I’m guessing you’re asking about printing it out and posting it on an ACTUAL bulletin board? Go for it!

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Besides the bulletin board idea, I was preparing to send it to collection development librarians.

I’m on a phone browser now so the PDF didn’t open directly; it had to be downloaded for viewing.

As long as they were to follow the link on a browser that can display PDFs, it should be fine. I’ll try that.


18 days to go! Some upcoming dates for everyone to be aware of:

  • Wednesday, May 8: We will be posting Chapter I as a free excerpt on Janny’s website. First announcement will be here in this thread, followed by a post on the Facebook fan page.
  • Wednesday, May 15: A few new, mysterious place names will appear on the Interactive Map for speculation and conjecture. First announcement will be in the Song of the Mysteries Speculation thread (not in this non-spoiler thread you’re currently reading!).
  • Thursday, May 23: Song of the Mysteries releases as an e-book!
  • Tuesday, May 28: Song of the Mysteries releases in print!
  • Thursday, June 6: Song of the Mysteries releases as an audiobook, narrated by Colin Mace! Janny will also be doing a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) at /r/fantasy this day – people can ask questions throughout the day and she will sit down in the evening to respond. (You can find links to her older AMAs from 2012 - 2018 on her interviews page).
  • Once the book is available in all 3 formats (to avoid early spoilers), I will begin adding plot entries to the Paravia Wiki throughout the summer.
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My local bookshop is apparently not getting their only version, the trade paperback till September 28th, book sales are down a lot here in Tasmania, so I was expecting no hardback, but bit surprised about the release date. I will read the kindle version first, and have pre-ordered the hardback from the UK. I like to support my local bookshop so will wait for them to get theirs.

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A free excerpt from Song of the Mysteries is now available! Get a taste of the complete Chapter I to whet your appetite for the final volume.

If you would like to discuss the excerpt, please use the Chapter I Discussion thread so people who are subscribed to THIS thread by email do not receive accidental spoilers. Enjoy!


Looks like the release dates for various editions are bouncing around a bit:

  • All e-book versions continue to show May 23 across the different vendors I have my eye on.
  • The hardcover edition now shows May 23 on Amazon UK and Out of Stock on Amazon AU. All other vendors still show May 28.
  • All audiobook versions now show May 23 across different vendors instead of June 6.