What should I do with my extra copy of Stormed Fortress?

originally posted by Benjamin Hunt

Hello everyone!

Like all of you, I was thrilled by the release of Stormed Fortress, Unfortunately I have not yet had a chance to read it, but I very much look forward to it!

So, here's why I'm posting. I asked for the book for Christmas and got it, delivered from the UK of course. The gift-giver accidentally bought two copies and decided to give me both.

Here's where I need your help! Initially I just wanted to sell the book; get a bit of extra cash and save someone the cost of having it shipped from the UK. However, I've since reconsidered and I've decided that I want to do something charitable with the book–or, better yet, something that would help promote awareness of Janny's works and maybe help with the US publishing issue. I talked to Janny about this and she gave me permission to post about this here and also gave me several ideas.

What do you think? What course of action would be most advantageous to Janny and the continuation/increased awareness of her series? I'd love to hear any ideas.

Thank you all for your time.

My warmest regards,
Ben Hunt

originally posted by Meredith Lee Gray

Well, maybe you could ship it to Janny to have it autographed and sent back to you. And then if you know of any charity auctions or anything of that nature in your area, you could donate it with a good write-up…

Initially I just wanted to sell the book; get a bit of extra cash and save someone the cost of having it shipped from the UK.

Hey, that's charitable, too. :wink:

originally posted by Lyssabits

Could always donate it to your local library. They probably don't have the funds to buy and ship it from the UK. :wink: My local library was where I found Curse of the Mistwraith for the first time… it took me forever to find another hardback copy to buy for myself when Ships of Merior came out and I started buying them all in hardbound. Stormed Fortress better come out in the US, this UK version is messing up my collection. :wink:

originally posted by Laneth Sffarlenn

Stormed Fortress better come out in the US, this UK version is messing up my collection. :wink:

Gawrsh, ye should see my collection…some are the large softcovers, some are the smaller ones…I've got an ex-library version of Curse…

Quite a shambles really :smiley:

I always dreamed of meeting a book binder and having a set of hard-covers done up for each book, with the Chapter symbols enlarged and embossed on the covers and spines, filled with coloured leaf (like gold leaf, but I found out that leaf only comes in gold, silver & sometimes bronze)

originally posted by Meredith Lee Gray

That's a good idea too Lyssabits!

(Semi-related rant: I've given up donating my books to my local library. They act like it's some huge inconvenience for them when I bring in bags full of good-quality hard and paperback books. "Oh… OK. Just leave 'em there." I don't bring in cheap tattered romance novels, ya know. Then a few days later I see them on the shelves outside on sale for $.50. Hmph.)

originally posted by Wendy Collett

Perhaps try the local high school library instead of the public library.

Schools sometimes have a much harder time getting a hold of books and other resources than you might think, especially if it is a regional school, or there has been a fire/weather damage at the school.

I'm thinking more outback/rural Australia here, so hopefully this info equates to your local area in some form or other.

originally posted by Julie

How about starting a lending chain in the US? Start with Darthjazy sp? who can't affford the book right now, THen he can send it off to the next US fan etc etc

originally posted by PurplePenny

Wendy - same is true of UK schools :smiley: Weather damage caused by the horrendous floods and gales we've had in the last year (and right now) and fire damage caused by the kids torching the place!