Typos from SotM

Some of the obvious ones, I have lost the page for one that might be just Janny’s unique wordsmithing, but will find it on the re-read, this time on a real kindle.

On page 39 kindle and Hardback versions about half way down the 1st paragraph.
“Dace Morley weathered the religious recoil at remove,” Wrong surname, should be Marley

Page 40
“Dace Morley’s circumspect glance peered downwards at the parade beneath the arched window.” Surname should be Marley.

Pg 147 of the hardback and kindle versions 1st paragraph starts with “Dace Morley snapped awake in his servant’s cot” Surname should have been Marley.

Page 217 top of the page.
“For Dace Morley, the night’s extended anxiety stemmed from the tedium of genteel service.”
Surname again

Page 272
“Menial placement at last gave Dace Morley’s vantage the unusual backhanded edge:”
Surname should be Marley.

Page 375, last paragraph
“Dace Morley overhears the imminent mapped plan to unleash the armed conquest of Caith-al-Caen on the morrow …”
Surname should be Marley

Page 387, Last paragraph
“Dace Morley alone fielded the galled aftermath of Nails’s friction, his ironclad discretion and constant,”
Surname should be Marley

Page 400 Start of 1st paragraph
“Dace Morley swore murder, tormented by the excruciate strain on his manacled wrists.”
Surname should be Marley

Page 421
“Denial bludgeoned into epiphany. The known ancestry, blurred by age, now sprang stark to the eye in Dace Morley’s features.”

Morley should be Marley

Only time Dace’s correct surname seemed to be used was in the glossary. That would be the translation from US to UK English maybe that changed the surname?

Hi Annette. I already had the surname snafu in the Errors and Inconsistencies list but please do let me know if you find other typos and I can keep track for reprints / new editions. Thank you for reporting this one!