originally posted by Laneth Shadow-Walker
My mind can't get past wanting to know more about the F7, so I'm seconding HJ's request on Ciladis.
Whether we hear of him before or after the Paravians disappear, I don't mind.
I think that his quest to search for them might yield too many questions and too many answers at the same time, so perhaps a recounting of an important even he was involved in when the Mistwraith first arrived on Athera?
We know that Traithe was the one who sealed the Gate, that Sethvir, Asandir & Kharadmon(? he died during the uprising? or Luhaine?) were still "field agents" before the paravians left.
This would also present a glimpse into the machinations of the F7 while they were still a complete unit, with Davien still present.
That would get my mind racing!
(Janny's said that we will eventually hear of the F7's past, so this is one way of getting a glimpse at them, without having to go back too far into their lives *evil grin*)
originally posted by Hunter
Some other options:
1.The sacking of Ithamon by Khadrim and Seardluin in Second Age 3651 when Kharadmon lost his body and also Athera lost her High King - Cianor Sunlord.
2. The first drake dream which resulted in the arrival of the Paravians.
3. A dissertation on the n-dimensional, non-Newtonian time/space continuum in which this world is set with particular reference to the dual nature of energy and matter and the conversion between the two…
originally posted by Trys
quote:Hmmm, as I understand this is an aspect of current theories of physics on this planet. The idea being that matter is simply energy vibrating at a frequency that results in what we call matter and that there really isn't a difference. As to conversion it's just a matter of frequency change.dual nature of energy and matter and the conversion between the two

originally posted by Hunter
Ah yes… frequency change such as Asandir upstepping to travel via lane transfer… how might one effect this…
The dual nature comment was exactly to indicate that it's two sides of the same thing and that going from one aspect to the other requires said frequency change… and how one might do that…
Story requests - some things will "appear" in Stormed Fortress…
some requests fall too near the direct line of the novels, as these themes will be integral in the future.
Some will be illuminated in Reins of Destiny (coming to you in December, in an anthology to be announced, the countersigned contract arrived YESTERDAY.
hmmmm - King Kamridian- that's not a happy story!!! And you already know the ending, so where's the surprise?
The story of Cianor Sunlord is about a novel's worth…and of course, it's not window dressing he's mentioned in the series.
All the rest of the stuff's in the pot, mulling!
originally posted by Konran
I would like to see a bit of early Dakar, how he came to be Asandir's apprentice. =)
originally posted by Auna
How about something during the time the humans first arrive on Athera? While that is an entire book I'd love to read someday (hint!), I'd love to see even a snippet, that's bound to be very eventful.
Anything F7 related! (Would we even like these guys before they were dragon called?)
The reckless antics of a young Dame Dawr (or anything on the brothers).
How did the waystone and skyron crystal come to be?
How did the Biedar get on Athera?
originally posted by starstorm
I'll second Konran's request. Dakar is SUCH a cool character, and we know very little about his life before he became Asandir's apprentice.
originally posted by HJ
Hi Janny,
About Kamridian: I might be mistaken but I can't remember (and I've only just re-read Alliance of Light) any mention of why he came to be in Davien's maze. Arithon didn't really have any choice about entering but I've always wondered what reasons there could be for anyone to willingly enter the maze. I'm sure I read somewhere that other men/beings had also perished in Kewar. It's not that I want to read the grisly details of poor Kamridian's end. More that I wonder what drove him there.
Over and above this, I'd like to read about Davien first conceiving of the maze and building it but I guess that would reveal his intention for creating it in the first place. Again, unless I'm mistaken I don't think that's ever been described in any of the books. I'm hoping we'll find out in due course…
I've always wondered why Davien built the maze, the 5 Centuries Fountain and the pit at Rockfell. It's almost as if he had everything planned in advance…!
originally posted by Auna
I would love to know more about Davien, but I figure that's gonna be done slowly in the books since he's our big mystery figure!
Were the clans separate from the rest of humanity or were they all one bunch that happened to segregate after coming to Athera?
Oh, and the mull list grows!!!
Some stuff's already answered! (as in, go get Under Cover of Darkness, Fantasy Masters, and later on — another antho coming in December…
Some stuff's in Stormed Fortress…
Some stuff's gonna out in Arc IV…
Davien - he built Kewar, the Five Centuries Fountain - for a connected reason…this will doubtless out in due time. And it's connected to Why King Kamridian chose the maze…
Other ideas on the Mull - Verrain's story is pretty cool.
But I probably won't do that one right yet for this shot.
Oh, I am gonna have Fun with this one!
Right now - I have the three paintings that will composite for the cover of Stormed Fortress ALL UNDERWAY IN THE PAINT.
The icons for Fugitive Prince, Grand Conspiracy - also underway in the paint…
Inside the ring shots for FP and GC, are in transfer…soon to be in paint.
And PG's in the ring shot - in pencil drawing, yet.
Background for Grand Conspiracy - still to be designed…that's the one that's least formed up - have I ever had so many little paintings going at once - feels like a galaxy of them…I had to put a shelf up behind my drafting table to put the wet ones to dry!
Figure you will have something to see here by March!
originally posted by HJ
Thanks Janny. Can't wait! x
originally posted by Aria
Oooh wish list. Too big a list.
Ciladis after the Mistwraiths conquest. Although that might appear in the books.
Sethvir accepting the Earthlink.
Creation of Rockfell, not the why so much as the how and the madness of creating the stair. Even Kharadmon seemed amused with Davien's actions there.
Fall of Luhaine at Tirans, think it was Tirans…
The rebellion, or at least the realisation that Davien stirred it up. Again that might appear…
Why Methisle has so many cats!
Verrain! I like Verrain and we don't get to see a lot of him poor man, trapped with Methspawn and cats for company…
Death of Cianor and Kharadmon, 'bit morbid but sounds interesting…
Kamridian, again might appear…
Dakar and the prophecy at West Gate! That or him meeting Asandir et.al. for the first time.
The F7 actually working together before the hornets nest was stirred/Deshthiere arrived.
Something on Dascen Elur?
A day in the life of a random character.
Gah too many thoughts and wonderings.
But all I can say Janny is how do you find time to sleep? And I second HJ's response of can't wait.
originally posted by Hunter
Some others…
- the circumstance of Elaira's birth, ancestry and orphaning
- story of the death of Lysaer's father's first wife and daughter
- Desolation of Kaithtarr
- Crafting of Alithiel and other great Isaervian swords - not the Asandir second hand story in GC, the crafting as the Paravians intended, including the mighty singing of the Unicorns to lay the starspells.
originally posted by Blue
Wishlist, oh gads, where to begin, and how to stop?
Lirenda - what made her the lonely, ambitious heir to the Prime?
Talera - Janny has mentioned that she originally wanted to start CotM earlier, with the execution of one of Arithon's uncles, and the affect this had on her outlook.
Speaking of Talera, what was the deal the Rauven mages made for her dowry, the birth of elementally gifted children? Especially considering she was being offered as the bride of one of the participants in the most deadly and heated feuds on Dascen Elur.
Death of the s'Ellestrion heir - why/how did s/he die on the World of the Red Desert, especially since Wisdom would be a GREAT trait to have in play between the clans and the townies.
I would like to second the nomination of Khamridian's end as a possible short story.
Something about Sulfin Evend's early life, or even better, where/how did he get the clan blood in his family.
A brief story about one of the Great Drakes, and how s/he ended up in a Grimward.
Elshian and the crafting of the Masterbard's Lyranthe.
How Dakar got the nickname of "The Mad Prophet."
The arrival of the Paravians, and the reaction of the Drakes to such a beautiful, sublime gift from Ath.
I second the nomination of the crafting of the Isaervian swords as another possible story.
Dascen Elur, post exile of Lysaer and Arithon, and the peace Mak s'Ahelas forced between Karthan and Amroth. I can imagine Lysaer's dear old daddy having a stroke because of denied vengeance, which he seems to have mistaken for justice.
Speaking of Mak s'Ahelas, would he try to engage any kind of scrying or other such means to get an idea if Arithon is all right? It might be interesting to read about an attempt of his to find this out.
originally posted by Laneth Shadow-Walker
Speaking of the deal between Rauven and Talera, I want to know if the elemental children would extend beyond light and shadow to the typical elements of Earth, Fire etc.
It would've been interesting if other elementally gifted children had arrived.
Or maybe Janny has a different way looking at the base elements of creation, what with Shadow & light and all, maybe there are other features of reality that Janny could create into an elemental mastery.
Authorial Musing going on…where do I want to play next for the interrim story I get to produce for playtime…
The original reason for the division and reunification of Shand and West Shand - there's definitely a story there, but can it be fit into less than novel length…hmmm.
Verrain's always kicking to get on stage - one of these days I'll succumb.
The origins of s'Dieneval - oh yes, there's a definite story there!
Mankind's arrival - what an event - perhaps too big a tapestry, though…not a simple moment, oh no! ? But some interesting and unlikely heroes come forward.
The fall of Mearth - messy, messy…definitely messy!
Dakar's early history - if you like the melodrama of an infant prodigy…
Shehane Althain's requital…maybe, maybe…
flip for it?
originally posted by Hunter
I would vote for the fall of Mearth as first preference, Shehane Althain's requital second.
originally posted by Blue
I'll second Hunter with the Fall of Mearth.
There was so much that tantalized as Arithon and Lysaer passed through, and it STILL makes me wonder what happened to it. AND it is connected to Davien, my second favorite enigma in WoLaS - Arithon remains number one.
originally posted by Angus
If this is a democracy, and I have no illusions that it is a democracy, I will join the voices of my comrades Hunter and Blue. However, I believe that we are ruled by the whims of our every-so-benign dictatrix, the Grand Tale Spinner, the Maker of the Magnificiant Muse, the Wonderful Wurts (I'm angling for a job in her Ministry of Truth). So, what she says goes.
BUT WE WANT MESSY, MESSY…DEFINITELY MESSY! Messy is fun. Just ask my kids when they play in the sandbox.
I would love to know about the fall of Mearth. And, is there any chance it has of being "cleansed"? Would be helpful in getting a s'Ahelas back to Athera if it were, given how close our main characters came to buying a piece of Mearth real estate.