originally posted by R’is’n
Given that the characters really do grow in this series, I was wondering about Dakar's possible trajectory in the next book.
He was able to overcome his antipathy towards Arithon. He's become a better spellbinder.
I'm wondering whether having been unwilling witness to a scene of REAL physical love, whether his penchant for wenching will alter?
And if so, what kind of woman would actually be interested in him?
originally posted by Steve Redpath
His view on wenching had already altered (not much but a bit I think) but in the end it is an escape mechanism for him. I doubt he will ever be able to give it up completely. As for what kind of woman would interest him I think it's more a case of what kind of woman could put up/handle him. If she was not so old I would say Grandame Dawr would be ideal.
originally posted by Blue
I disagree, Steve, since Dawr does not seem to have much patience for those she perceives to be undisciplined or foolish.
originally posted by skeoke
But, Blue, that's what would make it so much fun!
originally posted by Blue
Touche Skeoke!
"Irresponsible drunken prophets and the sensible crusty matriarchs who love them."
originally posted by R’is’n
*laugh* Somehow I think Dame Dawr had all her fun scrabbling over rooftops when she was younger… or was that her ancestor…?
Steve: thing about escaping is, at some point it stops. Certainly after his intercession on Elaria's behalf (and what a service that was!) to …er… rescue Arithon AND his experience at Rockfell, he's reached a new level of awareness…
Davien did say he'd reach a diamond stability, though would take a thousand years.
Longevity makes his choices limited I guess… better a few doxies every month than one woman who will age & die, unless she's a Koriani senior…
Hey… I wonder if Dakar's ever had any offspring, and if they've been snatched up by the Koriani… I know there was speculation about Elaira… certainly Morriel/Seldie could ensure more females with powers by getting some enchantress to feign interest, or play at being a bawd…?
originally posted by Blue
Hey… I wonder if Dakar's ever had any offspring, and if they've been snatched up by the Koriani… I know there was speculation about Elaira… certainly Morriel/Seldie could ensure more females with powers by getting some enchantress to feign interest, or play at being a bawd…?
Roisin, that is a GREAT speculation! Using Dakar's own vices to turn him into a Koriani breeding bull… All I can think of is the scene from a terrible sci fi movie called "A Boy and his Dog," where the "boy" (a young Don Johnson, pre-Miami Vice) was mentally bonded with his dog, whose only purpose was to find women for him. He came upon this underground civilization that had managed to escape the nuclear holocaust, and was valued because he was a fertile male. His response? "You want me to knock up your broads? You talked me into it. Line 'em up!" Well, they were lined up - for artificial insemination. Needless to say the Boy was NOT happy.
originally posted by PurplePenny
As I recall he ends up with a woman… and he and his dog eat her!
Typical Harlan Ellison
originally posted by Blue
You're right, PurplePenny, about the ending, and about Harlan Ellison - an otherwise brilliant writer hamstrung by a hangup, in this case, misogyny. Every story of his I have ever read or heard of, the female characters are either backstabbers or victims killed within the first few chapters.
originally posted by PurplePenny
Blue, I know what you mean, though I think he just sees the worst in everyone! Good as it is, I've found some of his writing quite depressing.
I found him perfectly charming in real life. After hearing him talk at a con I got really annoyed with him and the next day I had the opportunity to tell him so (after giving him a big hug and a kiss). He said "What annoyed you?" and he was so sweet that I couldn't think of a single thing! "See" he replied "I wasn't so goddam annoying then!" and even though I blustered "Oh yes you *were*!" I couldn't remain annoyed with him.
originally posted by Paul Hammond
"If she was not so old I would say Grandame Dawr would be ideal."
She's much younger than Dakar! He's been an apprentice for 500 years…