Cover art preview is posted!

Enjoy the first glimpse of the cover art composite for Destiny's Conflict, and the separate images used to create it: onflict.html

Then happy speculation over the symbolism.

originally posted by Richard Myburgh

oh wow, its so beautiful!!! :smiley:

Thanks - there was a lot of intricate work done with magnifiers - wish you could see the originals.

Amazed there's been on speculation… ;X

originally posted by DarthJazy

I am convinced now that the armies of the light are going to storm the 7's castle.

originally posted by Walt

…such as the blooded blade… the vulture rampant … on top of the Koriani crest? Storm at sea… hmmmm…

originally posted by Clansman

hmmm. My post from yesterday is absent…I'll re-construct:


That is awesome! Excuse me while I clean the drool off my keyboard…

Okay, now that's fixed, I am full of exploding ideas. The vulture rampant over the swan inset? A sign of death/corruption/feeding on death over a symbol of Grace (Paravian Grace?). That fills me with foreboding, but there is still the Song of the Mysteries to come.

The vulture over the troop of Light lancers (looks like a sunwheel on the banners) facing a city on a hill is more obvious, death feeding on war. However, I have long since learned that when Janny does something that seems obvious, is anything but. What city might it be?

Stormy sea in the background, and what looks to be a shipwreck, and an arc of light (or is that Light?) into the lightning. That is more opaque to me, but may involve a direct confrontation between Arithon (the ship) and Lysaer (the Light). It certainly indicates severe danger, an uncertain outcome, circumstances beyond the control of the protagonists, etc.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. When it comes to teasing, Janny, you are an evil, evil woman. EVIL!

originally posted by Walt

…such as the blooded blade… the vulture rampant … on top of the Koriani crest? Storm at sea… hmmmm…

originally posted by Clansman

I didn't know that was the Koriani crest. That really changes the outlook for the Twisted Sisters!

originally posted by Walt

I think I'm wrong on the Koriani crest… I thought at first look that it was a crane, but on second review looks like a swan instead.

Looking at the city on the hill, could that be Eterra? Mismatched towers/styles, the Light's host marching in vengeance upon the fallen avatar's city?

originally posted by Walt

I think I'm wrong on the Koriani crest… I thought at first look that it was a crane, but on second review looks like a swan instead.

Looking at the city on the hill, could that be Eterra? Mismatched towers/styles, the Light's host marching in vengeance upon the fallen avatar's city?

originally posted by Gary Coady

It seems to be the old city at Daenfal (it was built around a watchtower).

This also looks like a much more significant incursion into Rathain than last time (a siege?). I wonder where Lysaer is.

Actually, yes, Walt nailed it: the swan is the Koriani crest, if you doubted, the colors confirmed it.

Keep the speculation coming.

There are details here that were in fact foreshadowed in prior volumes and supporting material.

I have, I think, found a passage, also, to post as a preview teaser. Shortly…when I have the copy edit review under control.

originally posted by Hellcat

Ettinmere Settlement ?(spelling)? for the town on the hill. Its in Havish, and Janny did say we were going to encounter it.

originally posted by Annette

Thanks for showing us the artwork Janny. The vulture and executioner's sword was a bit of a surprise.

Hell cat if you look at the name of the art showing the town it says Daenfal necropololis, which I do not think has been mentioned in the books yet. We can just see a glimpse of the town on the right side. If the sunwheel goons are surrounding it they think they have someone trapped there. I would suspect it is from Paravian times.

Does anyone else think the sunwheel cordon looks like a bunch of candles?

originally posted by Annette

I seem to have killed the conversation. The little sloop that seems doomed sailing into such stormy waters might be Arithon's Talliarthe, or maybe a remake of her, if she did not survive Arithon's captivity.